Litter picking hubs launched


As an element of the continuous effort to encourage city pride, the Council is collaborating with community organizations and Keep Scotland Beautiful to build a series of centers where people can gather to collect litter in Dundee. This initiative intends to foster a cleaner and healthier environment for the city and its inhabitants.

Every center will be managed by a distinct communal institution, while the Council offers no-cost equipment for picking up litter. This includes supplies like litter pickers, bag hoops, and hi-vis vests, catering to a group of up to ten individuals with a common objective of combating litter where they reside.

The Linlathen Group's Friends, in collaboration with the Mid-Lin Day Care Centre and the Douglas Community Spaces Group, have been chosen to host one of the hubs. Other groups are expected to have their own hubs in the city in the near future.

Councillor Heather Anderson, who is responsible for climate, environment, and biodiversity, expressed her desire for everyone to be considerate in disposing of their waste. She acknowledged that although efforts have been made to discourage littering, some individuals might need additional motivation.

The aim of the Take Pride in Your City movement is to work together to ensure that our public outdoor areas are consistently maintained and kept clean. This collaborative approach ensures that our spaces remain presentable and dignified for everyone to enjoy.

The fresh litter hubs provide a splendid opportunity to motivate individuals to team up and tackle garbage problems in their surroundings. It's exciting to observe the eagerness of those who are participating in these early stints of litter picking hubs.

There are plans to have additional areas for picking up trash scattered all over the city, and those who want to participate are urged to contact their nearby location and join. Your assistance is very much welcomed.

Kevin, the Secretary of the Friends of Linlathen Group, stated that he views Dundee City Council's initiative as a noteworthy action, and that the group supports this endeavor wholeheartedly.

We are of the opinion that when individuals engage in communal activities like maintaining cleanliness of their neighborhood, making certain that their kids don't litter, etc, it instills in them a sense of accountability and encourages them to make ethical choices.

Improving their own surroundings helps people take responsibility for their environment and prevents them from relying on others to take care of it or using the excuse that they pay taxes for it.

The purpose of Friends of Linlathen is to enhance our neighborhood and make it an even more pleasant place to reside. Even minor actions, like this one, can have a significant influence in fulfilling this objective.

We express our immense appreciation to the Midlin day centre for their aid in establishing a litter hub situated on their premises amid the Linlathen neighbourhood.

On the first day of June, which happens to be National Big Lunch Day, and to kick off Volunteering Week, our community will be organizing our very first litterpick. We invite the families residing in Linlathen to join us for an hour during which we will work together to clean up the area. After the litterpick, we would love for everyone to stay and enjoy complimentary food and activities starting from 11:00 am and ending at 2:00 pm at Midlin.

Scotland's Beautiful organization is lending a hand to the initiative with their Clean Up Scotland movement. The campaign's goal is to increase understanding of the problem of litter throughout Scotland and make it easier for people to do something about it.

Dundee is set to become part of Keep Scotland Beautiful's community litter picking hubs across the nation. This will be displayed on the Clean Up Scotland map which can be found on the Keep Scotland Beautiful website.

People can check the Dundee City Council website to locate their nearby litter picking center. Moreover, any associations keen on hosting a hub can get in touch with the Council to show their concern.

Come join us at the upcoming seminar in Dundee, where we have invited some of the most prominent experts in the field to gather and share their knowledge. This is an excellent opportunity to network and learn from the best.

The upcoming 2024 urban nature challenge is quickly approaching. This year, we are excited to bring together individuals, groups, and organizations from across the globe to participate in this special event. The purpose of the challenge is to encourage people to explore the natural world around them and document their findings. Whether you are an experienced naturalist or just starting out, there is a place for you in this challenge. In order to participate, all you have to do is go outside and observe the world around you. Take pictures of plants, animals, insects, and anything else you find interesting. Then, upload your observations to our website where they will be shared with others. Don't worry if you don't know what you have found - our team of experts will be on hand to help identify any unknown species. The urban nature challenge is a fun way to connect with nature and learn more about the world around us. By participating in this event, you will be joining a community of people who are passionate about preserving and protecting our natural resources. So, mark your calendar for the 2024 urban nature challenge and get ready to explore the beauty of the world around you!

"Join The 2024 Urban Nature Hunt!"

The 2024 City Nature event is urging Dundee residents to participate in the initiative and be a part of it.

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